Psychology and Law a critical introduction. Fourth edition

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Psychology and Law a critical introduction. Fourth edition

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Andreas Kapardis
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Now in its fourth edition, Psychology and Law is a comprehensive guide to the complex interactions between psychology and criminal law. Andreas Kapardis explores contemporary psycho-legal issues both in and out of the courtroom, from eyewitness testimony, investigative interviewing, jury... Читати далі

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Andreas Kapardis
Рік видання
Кількість сторінок
1 кг
170х240 мм

Now in its fourth edition, Psychology and Law is a comprehensive guide to the complex interactions between psychology and criminal law. Andreas Kapardis explores contemporary psycho-legal issues both in and out of the courtroom, from eyewitness testimony, investigative interviewing, jury decision making, and sentencing as a human process, to restorative justice, terrorism, police prejudice and offender profiling. 

The book draws upon sources from Europe, North America and Australia to investigate the subjectivity and human fallibility inherent in our systems of justice. It suggests ways of minimising undesirable influences on judicial decision making, and discusses procedures for dealing with witnesses and suspects. 

Fully revised and with greater emphasis on relevant law, Psychology and Law remains the leading text on legal psychology for students and practitioners in psychology, law, criminology, social work and law enforcement.

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Now in its fourth edition, Psychology and Law is a comprehensive guide to the complex interactions between psychology and criminal law. Andreas Kapardis explores contemporary psycho-legal issues both in and out of the courtroom, from eyewitness testimony, investigative interviewing, jury decision making, and sentencing as a human process, to restorative justice, terrorism, police prejudice and offender profiling. 

The book draws upon sources from Europe, North America and Australia to investigate the subjectivity and human fallibility inherent in our systems of justice. It suggests ways of minimising undesirable influences on judicial decision making, and discusses procedures for dealing with witnesses and suspects. 

Fully revised and with greater emphasis on relevant law, Psychology and Law remains the leading text on legal psychology for students and practitioners in psychology, law, criminology, social work and law enforcement.


While the decision by Cambridge University Press to go for a fourth edition was unexpected, I accepted the challenge having first, as in the past, been assured by my wife Maria and our children Elena and KonstantinosRaphael that I would have their full support and understanding. Little did they know, of course, that this time they would need to develop steeplechase skills to cross from one side of the study room at home to the other as the piles of books, articles and notes kept growing. I have particularly enjoyed collaborating with, and I am grateful to, two friends and distinguished scholars – David Farrington of Cambridge University and Ian Freckelton of Melbourne University – for their inputs into Chapters 1 and 7 respectively. David’s account of his personal experience as one of a small number of pioneers who helped to establish psychology and law in the United Kingdom is a unique contribution, and so is Ian’s enrichment of the chapter on the psychologist as expert witness.

Once again, the book reflects my own background and interests in psychology and law, criminal law, criminal justice, criminology and law enforcement. I hope it will be used as a textbook and will be of interest to undergraduate and graduate students as well as to professionals in psychology, criminal law, evidence law, law enforcement, forensic psychology, police studies, criminal investigation and social work. The reader will note that this edition contains more law, which I believe balances the book.

As the manuscript goes to print, a sense of gratitude goes first of all to Maria, Elena and Konstantinos-Raphael for their understanding, patience and support through all the months in 2012 and 2013 when I was working on the manuscript. A big thanks goes to Elena, a budding legal scholar in her own right, for helping to obtain journal articles and newly published books at very short notice. Once again, I consider myself very fortunate to have enjoyed the excellent facilities and helpful assistance of the staff at the Radzinowicz Library, Institute of Criminology, Cambridge University, especially Mary and Stewart. As other Life Members of Clare Hall, Cambridge, know, the College provides a very conducive environment for writing books! A special thanks also goes to Ray Bull for supplying me with some much-needed material on police questioning of suspects. Finally, I am greatly indebted to David Farrington who, while I was a student of his at Cambridge, inspired my interest in psychology and law, was a great PhD supervisor and, finally, has been a fantastic mentor over the years. I am also especially grateful both to Nina Sharpe of Cambridge University Press in Melbourne for her support and understanding while working on the manuscript and to Sarah Shrubb for editorial corrections of the manuscript. Of course, none of the individuals or institutions is responsible for any weaknesses, mistakes or opinions expressed in this work.

Soon after I started work on the fourth edition in the first half of 2012 I was elected Chair of my Department, and at the same time the consequences of the financial crisis in Cyprus necessitated a number of adjustments that meant the manuscript could only be revised if I burned the candle at both ends. This book would not have been possible without the tremendous support and patience of my wife Maria. In appreciation, I dedicate this book to her and to our delightful children, Elena and Konstantinos-Raphael.

Andreas Kapardis
Рік видання
Кількість сторінок
1 кг
170х240 мм
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